Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mutually Insured Distraction

The gentle shhhhh noise coming from the kitchen cupboard startled Will fully awake from the almost nap that he had fallen into while poring over the mind-numbing actuary tables of his profession. He pushed himself up, and with a trepidation bordering on abject terror, approached the offending cupboard.

By now, the shhhhh had turned into shhh with a rustling noise. Horrible visions of some neighbour’s escaped pet python, or an infestation of hairy-legged tarantulas brought into his house hidden in a bunch of bananas filled Will’s head. He glanced around the kitchen for anything he could use as a weapon, quickly moving past the bunch of bananas in the bowl beside the fridge. His eyes settled on a nice, heavy, evil-exterminating cast iron skillet. Perfect!

Will grabbed the handle of the skillet and slowly slid it off the stove as he crept toward the cupboard. With his roomie doing all of the cooking, the sheer weight of the cast iron pan was news to Will. News he found out quickly as the pan came swinging down from the stove, like some malicious pendulum, and slammed into his right kneecap. The shock of the blow caused Will to let go of the skillet, which, thanks to gravity, continued its course of destruction by falling straight down and landing on his inadequately protected toes.

The pain was unlike anything that Will had ever experienced in his rather sheltered life up to now, far beyond the pain in his right kneecap, which had caused him to drop the skillet in the first place (second place actually… first was his poorly muscled arms), and was now a memory fondly looked back at. His crushed toes, instead of being debilitating, galvanized Will to action. He picked up the massive frying pan and flung open the cupboard door. A river of little white maggots fell out of the cupboard and into Will’s hair and face. If anything ever creeped him out more than snakes and big, hairy spiders, it was maggots.

In a rage borne of fear and pain and disgust, Will used both hands to hammer the skillet into the cupboard, over and over again. He wanted every last one of those creepy bastards to pay. Adrenaline and fear lost out to poor coordination and weak arms. The first few blows he rained down upon the cupboard had been effective. Effective in utterly destroying the shelf and sending splinters of wood everywhere. Soon enough though, he couldn’t bring the pan high enough and ended up slamming it into his roomie’s blender with the glass carafe. Well, the one that used to have a glass carafe.

The sound of the blender shattering brought Will back to reality. The reality of throbbing toes, a kitchen cupboard destroyed by a skillet, and a box of Uncle Ben’s Rice that would never harm another human again. Earl, his roomie’s hamster, eater of a hole in the rice box, sat unharmed on the remains of the shelf, staring at Will.

500 words
September 13th, 2007


Faiora said...



I actually didn't "get it" until I skimmed over it (after reading it). Don't like the title... Well, okay, I DID very much like the title, but I don't think it goes with the story. I have a similar problem, which results in stupid but at least relevent titles.

How does a hamster make a "shhhhh" noise? Rice coming out of the box? o_O rustling, yes...

The poor hamster must be traumatised.

Oh right: This story feels like... one of us has done it before (in essence). Can't think which story but... maybe it's just because the focus hasn't wandered far from "haha! look how delusional the main character was!"

Now for the good stuff:

Some of the wording's really nice :) and some funny.

"His eyes settled on a nice, heavy, evil-exterminating cast iron skillet."

"as the pan came swinging down from the stove, like some malicious pendulum,"

"which had caused him to drop the skillet in the first place (second place actually… first was his poorly muscled arms)"


500 exactly?

Silly Baba.

I'm happy, I get to write now... :D


Faiora said...

I have a suggestion :)

Since you're into writing poetry and all. Mostly I suggest this because I'm kind of in a poetic mood, and don't feel like writing prose.

How about... and this won't be any kind of rule... but how about whenever you write a story, I try and write a poem to go with it... or to tell the story in poem form... and vice versa? I'll try with this story of yours. ^_^

For the record - I personally have little tolerance for unstructured poetry. Write what you like, but don't expect much good feedback on anything which no rhyme or rhythm. (It not you, it's me......... *smirk*)

Faiora said...

Which = With.
